Preparing for sea-level rise
Climate change impacts our coastal community and its effects will only increase in the future. That is why Sharon pursued sea-level rise resiliency policy, funding, and planning to protect our homes and assets in our district and across the state.
What she's done:
Require the Hawaii Community Development Authority to consider the impacts of climate change, sea level rise, and climate-resilient development in the design and siting of buildings in Kakaako (SB1417, Act 221, 2023)
Appropriated $1.2 million for a Waikiki Sea-level Rise Resilience Adaptation Plan (WRAP) bringing together UH, Waikiki businesses, the Waikiki Neighborhood Board, and community members to plan for climate change together
What she's doing:
In its second year, WRAP has held four think tanks, two stakeholder meetings, two design charrettes and most recently a community outreach and project briefing. A progress report will be transmitted to the legislature before the 2025 legislative session.
Working on long-term beach restoration and sand retention in Waikiki