Decreasing homelessness and adding affordable housing
We heard you -- homelessness is the State’s number-one problem and we need to find long-term solutions to end it. That's why Sharon called together an informal group of state, county and community agency leaders committed to ending homelessness. We worked to identify the needs and possible solutions. The result was a number of measures to address homelessness on a statewide level.
What she's done:
Created permanent statewide Office of Homelessness and Housing Solutions (OHHS) (SB2370, Act 252)
Funded OHHS to build Kauhale homes to shelter the houseless
Funded pilot mental health/drug abuse medical detox center
Helped homeless get assessed by health providers when they endanger self or others
Funded $230 million to build affordable housing
What she's doing:
Making permanent the community outreach court for non-violent homeless cases
Building supportive housing for kupuna
Funding more medical detox centers for homeless
Adding workforce development programs for Kauhale residents