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Caring for our keiki

Our children are our future.  Our young ones need a safe and conducive environment for learning in our schools, and our young adults need opportunities to seek higher education and/or employment anywhere in the world, or right here at home if they so choose.

What she's done:​
  • Secured tens of millions of dollars worth of capital improvement projects for schools across our district (see below).

  • Supported Act 261 (2022) establishing a workforce readiness program to offer the opportunity to work towards associate degrees, and workforce diplomas and certification in high school.

  • Supported career and technical education programs for students


What she's doing:
  • Supporting workforce development programs that offer seamless glidepaths from school to jobs i.e. HB1827, Act 89, 2024 supports healthcare workforce development programs, specifically the public high school healthcare workforce certificate program and glidepath program for certified nurse aides.

  • Continuing to work with schools to improve facilities and address deferred maintenance across our district and the State.

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